Hello from Wilson's Country Creations!
It is hard to believe that Wilson’s Country Creations, Inc. will be observing our 40th year of producing quality statuary at reasonable prices in Holmes County, Ohio, in the good old USA. We started our business in 1985 with just the four members of our family: Tom, Regina, Ted, and Risa pouring our first molds which consisted of only 12 different figurines. We bought cement by the bag, and sand and stone in small quantities. We ran water through a garden hose from the house over 100 feet down to the garage each day after the kids came home from school in order to pour those molds. Note the early pictures so you can see that Ted & Risa really did grow up in the business. That is why they are so knowledgeable about what makes a great product and how to give excellent customer service.
We had no idea that we would grow and grow and then grow some more so that by 2025 we would be producing over 1500 various figurines. We currently have 10 people on payroll depending on the time of year. We get our cement silo filled with 25 tons of cement at one time; and get sand and limestone delivered by the ton as well. We have a separate production building, where you will find our conscientious employees preparing the molds for pouring and also putting the finishing touches on our statuary to help bring it to the standard that both we and our customers expect.
We enjoy creating our statuary line with quality molds, quality staff and quality materials to produce only the finest statuary for the price that you will find anywhere.
In addition to quality products and dependable service, Wilson’s believes in personal customer service by providing a real live contact person. It seems in this automated and technology driven world in which we live, it becomes increasingly difficult to find a live person to talk with when trying to conduct business. Also our fax line is on 24/7 year round and we have an answering machine where you can leave a message if calling after hours.
We are looking forward to serving the stores who have been with us for many years as well as helping all new stores learn how to use our products to bring more sales to them as well. We want to help the stores we supply have more consistent sales throughout the whole year, which is why we encourage them to keep our statuary on display all year long---not just in summer.
Today’s Garden Center magazine quoted a placard in Hillermann’s Nursery & Florist in Washington, MO which has a pertinent message that says it all:
“A garden without a statue is like a sentence without a verb.”
Making it our business to help your business be more successful!
-- Tom, Regina, Ted, Risa and the rest of the staff at Wilson’s Country Creations, Inc
Wilson's Country Creations is a family owned business that was established in 1985.
We supply quality concrete statuary products and provide dependable service. We are located in Holmes County Ohio, The Heart of Amish Country. We serve garden centers, nurseries, gift shops and greenhouses in Ohio as well as Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
Wilson's Memberships
Holmes County Chamber of Commerce
Ornamental Concrete Producers Association